Loan for Photovoltaics

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Albania has a high potential for the use of solar energy, ranking as the third country in Europe, after Spain and Greece, in terms of solar radiation. Based on the production of electricity by photovoltaics of ProCredit Bank customers, the average production is about 1,500 kWh/kWp. So, for 1kWp installed, the photovoltaic panel produces an average of 1,500 kWh/year of electricity, making the investment return in a very short time, estimated to go up to 5 years. This investment enables you to later receive electricity for free for the entire life of the plant, which is estimated to be about 20 years.


Who can invest in Photovoltaic Panels? 

Small, medium, and large businesses, as well as individuals who want to invest in their own homes. Investing in Photovoltaic Panels is one more step towards securing cheaper and safer electricity, avoiding the risk you might face due to potential grid power outages. 

The advantages we offer to you


Interest rate

Financing covered by the bank Guarantee

Up to 7 years

Very competitive in the market

Through loans, we can finance up to 100% of your project  The plant being built can serve as a loan guarantee

You can easily apply online and the Business Advisor will contact you and inform you more about this investment opportunity, advising you based on your interets.

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